
Maternity Services - Royal Cornwall Hospitals

The Maternity department at Royal Cornwall Hospitals cares for people who are pregnant before, during and after the birth of their babies.

Website: Royal Cornwall: Maternity Services

Infant Feeding

Breastfeeding Information and Support Cornwall (BISC)

Mother to mother support for all families


Baby Buddy App

Baby Buddy is an award winning mobile phone app for new parents and parents-to-be, created by mums, doctors and midwives.

Download from: Google Play: Baby Buddy

Download from: iTunes: Baby Buddy

Family Hubs

Family Hubs offer family support and community health services to families with children aged -9 months to 25 years. Services available include:

  • early help
  • early years
  • education
  • health
  • parenting

as well as services from voluntary and community sectors.


Breastfeeding Peer Support in Cornwall

A place where all mums / parents are welcome to discuss their experiences of breastfeeding.

Facebook: @breastfeedingpeersupportcornwall


Start4Life is the sister brand of Change4Life, Public Health England’s healthy living initiative. Start4Life aims to improve the health of babies and children under five in England by encouraging a healthy lifestyle, helping parents to be and mums and dads to give their children the best possible start.

